International Clean Hands Week September 20-26!

Download poster here


Back to School has already begun and International Clean Hands Week is right around the corner! This is the time to talk about the importance of hand hygiene in reducing Infectious Disease events for both students & Teachers! Let’s reduce absenteeism in our schools!

We are launching the “Clean Hands America” Coalition to help re-ignite the collaborative efforts of everyone invested in promoting the benefits hand hygiene has on health and wellness.

Let’s re-create the “healthiest year” this country has seen, referring to the 2009-2010 Pandemic year, in which very few schools closed down due to illness. The big box stores could not keep soap, sanitizer, wipes and paper towels on the shelves and sold very little cold and flu medications that year, due to the lack of Respiratory Infections.

We need YOUR help promoting ICHW 2015 throughout your community by downloading posters, emailing posters and talking to others about the importance in maintaining your health and wellness.

Is YOUR organization talking about how “Clean hands prevent disease save lives” during this upcoming week?

If not, why? Do not be afraid to help others!

It comes at such an auspicious time with the outbreak of Enterorvirus D68 (EV-D68), Norovirus, MRSA, MERS & even Ebola!

We would like to empower you, your business, your school, or your organization to Join “Clean Hands America” Coalition today!

Please visit the Posters and Coloring Books page and share with many!

Remember many students will work in healthcare and food service industries in their future! So let’s train them to be “Hand Aware”! We are confident that soon you will be seeing many infections being brought into the classroom to be shared with others!

So let’s get started with Clean Hands America!!

Infection Prevention is EVERYONE’S business!!

Thank you for helping to “spread the word not the germs”!

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