Worksheet for Calculating Medical Expenses

Dear Patients,

There are a lot of changes for many people this year in health insurance coverage.  Health insurance premium costs are going up, deductibles are increasing, and health networks are narrowing.  As you make a decision about which plan is the best choice for you and your family, we want you to closely compare/contrast specific information.

  1. Deductible: 2017 vs 2018 ( Even if you go to an in-network provider you still have to pay your deductible)
  2. Premium Cost: 2017 vs 2018
  3. Office  based costs (Total for last year versus anticipated costs for 2018)
  4. Our self-pay or pre pay rates

When comparing this basic information please keep in mind that even if we are not a participating provider in your plan we can still make referrals, do prior authorizations and lab work for you. You want to make a basic calculation of the total costs.  We have attached a spreadsheet to help you do this.  In many cases, staying with us as your personal physician will not cost you more, even if we are not in your plan, when you look at your potential savings in the insurance premium. Don’t forget. We offer very reasonable same day pay rates for office based services.

Follow the link below to open an excel spreadsheet you may find useful in making your decision.

Worksheet for Calculating Medical Expenses


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